Drain Cleaning: What Are the Signs That Your Drains Are Clogged?

Drain Cleaning Perth is the process of clearing blockages and clogs from a home’s drain and sewer piping using specialized equipment. Professional drain cleaners use powerful solutions to dissolve and break down stubborn clogs without damaging your pipes.

Many people try DIY methods like baking soda and vinegar to unclog a drain, but these aren’t always effective. Getting your drains cleaned regularly is the best way to avoid future issues!

Foul Odors

Odors from drains are unsettling and often a sign of an underlying issue. Foul smells may result from trapped hair, soap residues, food particles and other debris that builds up over time. Other times, they may indicate serious blockages or the backflow of sewage. Identifying the source of foul odors is essential in designing a strategy to effectively address them.

A quick and easy DIY remedy for stinky drains is to use baking soda and vinegar. The combination of these two ingredients creates a fizzy chemical reaction that breaks apart and flushes away drain clogs, as well as kills odor-causing bacteria. This method is effective for small clogs, but for larger ones, you may need to repeat the process or call in a professional plumber.

Bleach is another strong disinfectant that kills a wide variety of germs and odor-causing substances. It is important to use this product sparingly, however, as too much bleach can damage drains and sewer lines.

If a drain smells like rotten eggs, it could be caused by a sulfur problem in your home’s water supply. Sulfur is a common ingredient in household cleaning products, and it can build up in drains over time. If you suspect this is the case, contact your local water company immediately.

Other causes of bad odors from drains include the growth of mold and mildew, which thrive in moist environments. Regularly using a drain scrubber or boiling hot water can help combat this problem.

Keeping your drains clean and free of foul odors requires frequent maintenance sessions. One simple technique is to run a mixture of boiling water and lemons down your drain once a week. You can also grind a few lemon rinds in your garbage disposal to fight odors and keep your drains running smoothly.

If you’ve tried all of these tips and your drains still smell, it is probably time to call a plumber. Drain cleaning services from Reimer can help prevent drain clogs, bacterial overgrowth and other issues that can lead to unpleasant and hazardous odors in your home.

Slow Drainage

When a drain smells bad or the water in a sink is slow to drain, it can be a sign of a serious problem that should be addressed immediately by a professional plumber. If the issue is left unattended, it can result in flooding and mold growth that can be very expensive to repair. Fortunately, there are some easy DIY fixes that can help you fix your clogged or smelly drains before they turn into bigger problems.

Keeping grease, oils, and fats (also known as FOG) out of your pipes is key to prevent clogs. When these substances are poured down your drains, they can solidify and restrict the flow of water. To prevent this, be sure to dispose of any fatty food scraps in your trash can or green bin.

You can also try to break up FOG clogs by pouring a combination of baking soda and vinegar down your clogged drain. This at-home drain cleaner works best on kitchen or bathroom sink clogs caused by soap scum, hair, and grease. Simply pour a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by one cup of vinegar. Let the mixture fizz for about 15 minutes, then flush the drain with a liter of boiling water.

Another simple way to deal with a blocked or smelly drain is to try plunging the area. A plunger can be used on a slow drain, and it will often loosen or dislodge hair and other debris that has accumulated in the pipe. If the plunger does not work, you may need to call a plumber for more advanced solutions like drain snakes or electric drain augers.

Lastly, you can use a straightened hanger to remove objects that get lodged in your plumbing system. These can include toys, jewelry, or other small items that fall down the drain on accident. If you are unable to remove the object yourself, call a plumber and they can clear the drain with a pipe snake or by cutting out the damaged section of line. Getting your drains professionally cleaned on a regular basis will also keep them smelling fresh and flowing properly.

Clogged Pipes

When drains aren’t working properly, the plumbing water that normally flows through them backs up and may even enter other areas of your home. This is often a sign of a major problem like a sewer line or septic system backup and can be extremely dangerous to your health.

The clogs that cause these issues are often caused by organic waste, such as food scraps, skin cells, hair, soap scum, dirt and more. These materials can bind to each other to create a thick blockage in the pipes that will only worsen with time. Clogs that are large enough may also cause damage to your pipes and your plumbing system as a whole.

You can prevent most of these problems by being more careful about what you put down the drains and having professional drain cleaning done regularly. A professional drain cleaner uses a snake that has small sharp metal blades that can cut through most types of clogs and is attached to a long durable cable that can reach down the pipes to remove the clog completely.

Another way to avoid these issues is by using a garbage disposal that will grind up most of the food waste you throw in it. You can also use a drain strainer to catch larger food scraps like eggshells, coffee grounds and more so that they don’t go down the drains. Lastly, you can use a plunger for most smaller clogs, but it is important to know when it’s not enough and call your local plumber from Frank Gay Services.

One other thing to keep in mind is that the natural minerals in your water can also build up and clog your pipes over time. This is most common in homes with hard water and can be easily fixed by a water softener or professional drain cleaning.

Lastly, be aware that tree roots can make their way into your drains and create serious problems. If a tree root is growing into your pipe, it can block the flow of water and can lead to a full clog that requires professional plumbing help to fix.

Sewer Line Issues

The main sewer line is a large-diameter pipe that carries waste from every drain in your house. It connects to your septic system or city sewer line and eventually goes out into the yard. If your home’s main sewer line becomes clogged, it can affect all of the drains in your house. Here are some signs that you may have a problem:

A toilet or sink starts flushing slowly, and wastewater backs up into your showers, sinks and bathtubs. This is usually a sign that the main sewer line is blocked.

If you notice that only certain parts of your yard are greener than others, it could mean that the main sewer line is leaking or cracked. If this is the case, it’s best to contact a professional as soon as possible to avoid further damage and potential flooding.

You can prevent clogs by watching what you put down your drains. Keep non-biodegradable items like toys, jewelry and clothing away from your drains and install drain screens in your bathrooms to catch debris. Also, never pour grease down the drain—it will solidify and cause a clog.

Another way to prevent a clogged sewer line is to have regular drain cleanings done by a plumbing professional. A professional will use a motorized auger to break up and remove the blockage. This equipment is much larger than the drain snakes you might be used to using at home.

If you’re worried about your sewer line, call the Cooper Green Team for a comprehensive inspection and reliable repair solutions. We’ll identify any problems with your sewer line and use innovative trenchless methods to get them fixed quickly and easily.

A clogged sewer line can be dangerous for you and your family, and it shouldn’t be ignored. Luckily, there are several ways to keep your home’s drains clean and healthy, including regular drain cleaning services and proper use of your toilets and other household appliances. If you notice any of these issues, contact us today to schedule a sewer line inspection and cleaning. Our expert plumbers can clear any clogs and resolve any other problems with your home’s drains.